After my last class of the year yesterday, some friends gathered in the quad and had a picnic of fruit (which may or may not have been spiked.) For all future reference, apples soak up vodka quite well, and if you attempt to eat it, it will be like chewing a shot. However, the pineapple was quite delicious.
Truth be told, I had a lot of fun being a little bit rebellious. Who would have thought that innocent kids just having some fruit in the quad would be actually doing anything wrong?
While we were sitting there, two streaking bikers (bikers that were NAKED) went past us- they received many cheers. Unfortunately for the poor biker who rode past soon after, fully clothed, he was booed all the way down the quad.
There will be much more streaking to come as tonight is the streaking in the Undergrad Library. I have never attended this pagan ritual, however, I decided that I am going to go check it out tonight and cross it off the bucket list.
After my fruit medley, it was off to the UPPER quad to semi-listen to the Clef Hangers ( the oldest all male a cappella group on campus) at their semi-annual Old Well sing. Here my good friends brought wine from Weaver Street and raisin walnut bread to share!
Say hi to Kristen and Whitney!
There was also this adorable puppy at said event. And not to be one of those airheads who squeals every time something furry with paws is present, but this little guy was too irresistible not to take a picture of!
But now the festivities that carried on until late last night are over, and I am back to reality here at Caribou Coffee, which is the best place to study! I love it! The music selection here is incredible, and there is the perfect amount of background noise going on. Not to mention there is a constant aroma of coffee goodness in the air. Reminds me of home!
There is also a lot of room to spread all of my stuff out on, which is nice. See picture. That hand is not mine, however, it belongs to my good friend Jessica.
Studying for me is really just all about organization. If I can get all of my notes in order and can feel like the space around me is organized, I function so much better! Every once in a while its actually nice to feel like you are getting quality work done!
Well Econ, here I come! Wish me luck for my 8 a.m. final on Saturday!
Might head back to the house soon to pick up a hummus and pita snack!
Till then,